Toddlers: an instruction manual. A guide to surviving the years one to four (written by parents, for parents) by Joanne Mallon
£9.99 / $14.95 * 176 pages * ISBN: 978-0-9567024-4-9
Part of the royalties are donated to Home-Start, one of the UK’s leading family support charities.
Available to buy at Amazon UK / Amazon US
As featured in Mother & Baby magazine, Practical Parenting, Gurgle, Psychologies and Good Housekeeping.
Why do toddlers behave the way they do? And are they doing it deliberately to wind their parents up? If only toddlers came with an instruction manual – well, now they do.
This book brings together tried and tested practical, down-to-earth tips from parents who’ve survived the toddler years and want to help you do the same. If you’ve ever wondered how to get your child to sleep through the night, listen when you say no and stop reacting with horror at the sight of something green on their plate, this book can help. Toddlers: an instruction manual celebrates the qualities we love about toddlers, and suggests ways to navigate their less appealing aspects. We cannot stop your toddler from tormenting you, but we can help you get through with your sanity (just about) intact.
Written with warmth, understanding and love – no preaching or judgemental comments. * Includes invaluable advice from many parents on what they wish someone told them about the toddler years. * Includes practical guidance from experts, empowering the parent to make their own choices more confidently. * Up-to-date information on toddlers using technology, including advice on iPads and the under 5’s. * Tried and tested tips for tackling common toddler issues including tantrums, fussy eating, potty training and sleep problems. * Easily accessible information broken down into bite sized chunks. * part of the royalties are donated to Home-Start, one of the UK’s leading family support charities