Survival guide for new parents: pregnancy, birth and the first year by Charlie Wilson
£7.99 / $11.95 * 216 pages * ISBN 978-0-9567024-5-6
Part of the royalties are donated to charity.
Available to buy at Amazon UK / Amazon US.
‘A significantly positive parenting book’ Mum’s Baby Magazine
Becoming a parent is exciting and amazing and wonderful. But boy is it an earth-shatteringly huge adjustment! The learning curve can feel daunting, and you have all manner of difficult feelings to cope with – fear, doubt, anxiety. What you need is sound advice that helps you stay sane and smiling through the transition from singleton to confident parent.
This book offers simple, practical information to help mums and dads through pregnancy, childbirth and your baby’s first year. To give you a helping hand along the way, you’ll find heaps of stories and tips from parents who’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Survival Guide for New Parents is a reassuring, friendly, empowering guide. So don’t expect a bossy rule book full of do’s and don’ts. The only person who knows how to parent your baby is you. And so this book focuses on you, the parent, finding your own way based on your instincts and experiences. The result: a happy, relaxed Mum/Dad, and a happy, relaxed baby.
A unique book that focuses on the parent, helping them become the mother/father/guardian they want to be. * Provides friendly, gentle, empowering guidance. * Includes many case studies from the real experts – other parents. * Provides balanced information, without do’s and don’ts. * Non-judgmental, it aims to help parents be happy and confident, so their baby is happy and confident. * Part of the royalties are donated to charity.
Available to buy at Amazon UK / Amazon US.